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About Empower me Doula
Empower me Doula was created in 2011.
We offer a variety of services to suit everyone and most of all clients who want to receive personalised care from a great team of Doulas. 
You should be able to find everything you'd need during pre conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum with the support of our doulas.
We specialise in Antenatal , Birth and Postnatal support, Hypnobirthing, Conscious pregnancy and mothering as well as Placenta remedies and Abdominal Massage Therapy (hormonal imbalance, infertility, pregnancy and Postpartum recovery as well as Peri Menopause) and Closing the Bones.
We believe women are autonomous human beings who can make decisions for themselves based on balanced information, their own instinct and powerful support network. 
We focus on natural recovery and healing after birth as well as alternatives to conventional medicine such as meditation, hypnobirthing, essential oils, massage, homeopathy and personalised support.
Our aim is to help women transition to become a happy,confident mother, a powerful woman and assist her no matter the circumstances. 
We are confident in supporting women over 40, expecting twins, breech, vbacs, previous traumatic births, first time mums, single women as well as any unexpected situation that may arise.
You have the guarantee of feeling supported and having a non judgmental Doula by your side at all times.
Most importantly we believe the power comes from YOU and nobody else.
Feel free to browse our website to find out more.
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